Direct School Admission (DSA)
Introduced in 2004, the Direct School Admission (DSA) scheme provides students with the opportunity to seek admission to a secondary school, based on a diverse range of specific academic and non-academic achievements and talents that they can demonstrate beyond the PSLE.
Meridian Secondary School (MSS) extends a warm invitation to Primary 6 students to apply for direct admission into the school for academic year 2025 before the Secondary One Posting Exercise.
MSS offers DSA in the following Sports Talent Areas:
Basketball (Boys only)
Floorball (Boys & Girls)
Football (Boys & Girls)
If you are interested and would like to join us, you may seek admission
through DSA. We will be admitting Secondary One students for 2025 through
the MOE DSA-SEC Exercise 2024.
Admission Criteria
The general criteria for selection are as follows:
Interest & Passion
Applicants should demonstrate a keen interest in and passion for their respective talent areas. A clear and genuine aspiration in the sports talent area is an advantage. -
Talent & Aptitude
Applicants should demonstrate evidence of talent and aptitude in the sports. -
Conduct & Attitude for learning
Applicants should demonstrate a positive attitude for learning and demeanour. Applicants should be able to demonstrate evidence of good conduct in school.-
Obtained a Conduct Grade of ‘Good’ or better in Primary 5 (Overall) & Primary 6 (Mid-year)
The criteria and selection process for the sports talent areas are reflected below.
Sports Talent Area |
Criteria |
Selection Process |
1. Basketball (Boys only) 2. Floorball (Boys & Girls) 3. Football (Boys & Girls)
Participation & achievements in the sport, in the National School Games (NSG) or any equivalent competition/involvements (eg. Singapore Youth League) Be medically fit for sports activities. |
Sports trials (which may include an interview) for shortlisted applicants |
(Please note that meeting all criteria does not guarantee the applicant’s shortlisting or being given an offer)
7th May (11am) to 3rd June (3pm) 2024 |
APPLICATION STAGE Interested applicants should submit their application via the centralised
24th June to 9th September 2024 |
SELECTION STAGE Only shortlisted applicants will be informed through email or phone call, to attend the sports trial and interview. * Refer to Selection Criteria/Process above for further details regarding the sports trial and interview. |
By 12th September 2024 |
NOTIFICATION OF OUTCOME All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications. |
21st to 25th October 2024 |
SCHOOL PREFERENCE SUBMISSION DSA applicants who receive at least one offer from schools are to indicate their school preferences online via the DSA-Sec Internet System (DSA-Sec IS) or in person at their respective primary schools. |
Late November 2024 |
RESULTS RELEASE STAGE Release of DSA-Sec results will be done together with the PSLE results. |
Application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal (
Parents and students are encouraged to choose schools wisely based on the student’s aptitudes and strengths, bearing in mind the schools’ academic and non-academic requirements, and the programmes available to develop the area of talent.
Students who are successfully admitted to the school via DSA are expected to honour their commitment to the school and participate in the activities related to the talent they are selected throughout their secondary school years.
For students NOT studying in MOE mainstream primary schools
Students not studying in MOE schools will require to obtain a Registration Number (RGxxxxxxx) at MOE Customer Service Centre (CSC), before they can apply through the DSA-Sec Portal. For more information, please refer to MOE website at:
For DSA Enquiries
For general enquiries, you may contact:
Mr Quaide Millath (Subject Head / PE & CCA)
Tel: 6583 1387 (ext. 303)
For more information on DSA-Sec, please refer to the MOE website at
Thank you and we look forward to meeting you soon!
2024 E-DSA Session

Parents who wish to attend the E-DSA Zoom session may register via the QR code below:

Click here to register for Meridian Secondary E-DSA Session 2024
Date : Friday, 17th May 2024
Time : 6.00 – 7.00 pm
Venue : On Zoom (link will be sent to you after

Dear parents and P6 students,
if you’re interested in attending our DSA Zoom session but haven’t registered, you can join our webinar tomorrow evening using the details in this post.
Passcode: 003793